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Four Season Band (promosi)

Four Season band with Rock and RnB PaRty as basic concept, but still in Top 40 line. Finally, here we are, Four Season band, which are shaped by personnel who are experienced in their each sector.

Along with the more bands in top 40’s all around and the more glittering entertainment world in South East Asia with cafĂ©’s and pub’s with the music nuance to attract the audience interest, we are Four Season band from Indonesia presents the music which wrapped by Four Season exclusive arrangement.

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Main Game Seru 1 : Pencak Silat

Cara bermain :
panah kanan : maju
panah kiri : mundur
panah atas : berdiri
panah bawah : jongkok
spasi : menyerang
z : menggunakan benda 1
x : menggunakan benda 2
p : memberhentikan sementara permainan
q : melanjutkan permainan